Scheduled Leagues and Group Play
USTA Teams
Many members of Newport Tennis Club enjoy competing with other area clubs in USTA play. For more information, please contact the club at newporttennis5@gmail.com.
Women's Thursday 55+ League: October through March
Men's Saturday 40+ League: October through March
Women's Sunday League: October through December
Come cheer the NTC teams! Contact team captains for more information about home matches.
Round Robins
Newport Tennis Club has a rich tradition of providing members with opportunities for regular intraclub play. The weekly round robin groups and the coordinators are listed below.
- Men's Round Robin Play: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM
- Women's Round Robin Play: 2:30 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM
- Women's Round Robin Play: 10:00 AM
- Women's Round Robin Play: 10:00 AM
- Men's Round Robin Play: 8:30 AM (contact Kevin Cooney)
- Men's Round Robin Play: 5:30 PM (contact Brad Truax)
- Women's Round Robin Play: 5:30 PM
- Men's Round Robin Play: 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM
- Women's Round Robin Play: 11:30 AM
- Women's Round Robin Play: 8:30 AM
NTC is home to some member-organized groups that play on a weekly basis. If you currently manage a group that plays every week, please note that you have the option of having the group managed by VSP (our scheduling software), if you so desire. Please contact the Round Robin Coordinators listed below.
Round Robin Coordinators and Administrators
Men - Chris Curwen
Women - Barb Schumacher
Contact Pat Tivnan about other leagues that are being formed.